A framework for
Coaching, Retreats and Mastermind Groups

It is a way of looking a a person’s life in 3 areas of Body, Mind and Spirit (or Soul). Each of these three areas (BMS) have qualities or aspects that can illuminate a path of awareness bringing both more growth and progess while also creating and maintaining harmony and balance.


The first area to examine is Consciousness which can be described as a heightened awareness of emotions which most often show up as sensations in the body. How a person defines an increased heart rate, butterflies in the stomach, sweaty palms, an ache in some area of the body can determine their experience of the moment.

Secondly, is Compassion which is often said to reside in the heart. How open is your heart? Who do you need to forgive in your life or past and how is it holding on to resentment and the story holding you back? What might you need to forgive yourself for? When a person leads from the heart and is connected to it, magic happens.

Lastly in the area of the body is Coherence. Is your body physically and energetically aligned? When a person has a feeling of being connected to their body and that body functions properly and efficiently, so too does the outside life tend to function smoothly and in the flow.

There are specific exercises and processes that beneficially impact each of these aspects of the body. How would your life be different if you experienced greater Consciousness, had a capacity for even more Compassion and lived with increased Coherence? What more might you be able to accomplish and enjoy doing it?


Often, one of the greatest challenge people experience is to be Consistent in their actions, thoughts and behaviors. They say it takes 21 or 30 or X number of days to create a habit, and it seems to be less for “bad” habits! What thoughts are holding you back from a level of consistency that you desire? How might life, relationships or finances be improved with even a slight increase in consistent actions that you know are in your interest? Often it is in our beliefs, especially the unconscious ones, that the problem resides

When your life has greater Congruence, you feel happier. How often are you successful in some areas in life and not in others? Are their strategies and mindsets that you use and apply in certain aspects in life that you don’t apply in others? The Psychologist Carl Rogers said that when a person is in congruence they are in “a healthy state of being and this helps them continue to progress towards self-actualization.” By looking at all areas of your life you can identify those areas that might need special attention in order to have the full life you desire.

Let’s be honest, while money may the root of all evil it, also makes the world go ‘round. Your Commerce is the way in which you achieve financial abundance. For some it may be a salaried position but more and more of us need and want to be more creative in how we earn money. Do you need the security of “standard” employment or do you crave the excitement and potential rewards of going it on your own. Other’s may have plenty in the bank and not feel abundant. An additional definition of commerce is “service in social dealings between individuals”. In fact, when coming from a place of service, often many types of abundance show up in life. What do you have on offer and how do you consume?

The work in the area of the mind then concentrates on examining your Consistency and beliefs that may be blocking you, identifying where you are preforming at levels that work for you and bringing Congruence to areas that you want to improve and finally where are you getting your coin and other rewards from Commerce and how is that showing up in your interactions with others.


In order to thrive, we must have Commitment not only to ourselves but to a purpose outside of the individual self. What really drives you? How are you committed to making a difference to others and humanity. By shifting focus from me to we and us our souls expand bringing richness to our lives. Whatever our soul is committed to will come to fruition. Are you aware of your commitments? Which do you profess to have and which actually show up in your life?

Have you been living a life of the cowardly lion? Looking strong and Courageous on the outside but in reality coming from a place of fear? Tony Robbins says the two greatest fears are not being enough and never being loved. The spirit inside knows that you are love and more than enough. Once you more from fear to faith, life opens for you. Of all the C9, the most valuable in moving forward with faith is courage.

Finally, when the work is in motion and movement happens in each of the areas, one brings to experience Convergence of all efforts. Breaking through old patterns and beliefs, embracing the body and all it’s innate knowledge, harnessing the power and focus of the mind and unleashing the passion and courage of the soul, all forces converge and transform you and your life into the fulfilling experience you desire.

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